At Kerminihy (ERDEVEN 56)
GPS coordinates latitude - longitude of the Sailor: N 47 ° 38 '41'' W 3 ° 11' 41''
GPS Coordinates UTM « la marinière »: 47.644429, -3.19235

By Train :
Auray 15 km TGV Paris / Bordeaux / Nantes

By plane :
Airport Lann Bihoué/Lorient 35 km tel +33 (0)2 97 87 21 50
4 daily flights to Paris Orly
3 daily flights to Lyon
2 daily flights to Galway

Nantes International
has 77 international destinations

By car:
Paris - Rennes: Highway A11 and A81
Rennes-Auray-Vannes: RN 24 (Free 4-way highway), then RN 166 and RN 165
Bordeaux-Nantes: A10 and A83 and western bypass
Auray-Vannes-Nantes: Free 4-way - RN 165
Lorient - Auray: Free 4-way - RN 165
At Auray-Quiberon Carnac output-Etel
At roundabout the Kerbois follow Ploëmel-D22 and D105 ERDEVEN


Between the church and the bakery, straight for 3 km to the hamlet Kerminihy

The sailor

Its weathervane "a siren on a whale," at No. 12, you have arrived!


Afficher View The Sailor Kerminihy on the larger map to have a better view of where you will be staying.

Afficher View The Sailor Kerminihy on the larger map to have a better view of where you will be staying.